Wrote a quick launch bar for Windows 10 taskbar, solving the alignment and scaling problem
On Windows 10, when you choose to use small button on taskbar, the icons in quick launch bar will have alignment and scaling problem:

So I wrote a custom quick launch bar based on WPF and DeskBand, which can correctly deal with these problems:

The GitHub project is at https://github.com/wudicgi/Win10QuickLaunchBar

If needed, you can download the release package to use.
Current language: English · 其他语言: 中文 (简体)
Bought a Sermoon V1 3D printer, and tried making the first self-designed part
Before the Spring Festival, I bought a 3D printer of Creality, model Sermoon V1:

I chose this model mainly because it just fits on my shelf. With the Core XY structure, it need no extra space to move back and forth the printing platform:

Below is what the attached whistle example prints out:

Today I designed a fixing accessories for a small electric grinder in Fusion 360. The software provided by Creality is easy to use. I did not change most of the default parameters, and the first try is successful:

Current language: English · 其他语言: 中文 (简体)
Released an open source Spleeter command line program, written in pure C language
View on GitHub: https://github.com/wudicgi/SpleeterMsvcExe

SpleeterMsvcExe is a Windows command line program for Spleeter, which can be used directly.

It is written in pure C language, using ffmpeg to read and write audio files, and using Tensorflow C API to make use of Spleeter models. No need to install Python environment, and it does not contain anything related to Python.

Furthermore, SpleeterMsvcExe reduced the memory usage through segmented processing, hence it can handle single audio file over 30 minutes. Due to the length-extending process, all segments can be concatenated seamlessly.
Current language: English · 其他语言: 中文 (简体)
Released an open source clipboard utility - Clipboard Auto Processor
View on GitHub: https://github.com/wudicgi/clipboard-auto-processor

Here are the readme contents:

1. Introduction

Clipboard Auto Processor is a utility to process the text in clipboard automatically. Unlike other clipboard enhancement softwares which could only manage the history contents, this tool can execute any script to process the content automatically.

The script can be written in any language that you are familiar with, such as PHP, Python or JavaScript. It only needs to implement the conversion from original text to desired result. Other works will be all done by Clipboard Auto Processor.

2. Usage

Download the latest release version, and extract it to any location that have write permission. Generally any folder except Windows, Program Files and C drive root is OK.

When the ClipboardAutoProcessor.exe is running for the first time, it will create the config.ini file based on the current system language. And then you can edit this file to set script interpreter, display font and other options.

You can manually create the shortcut, and put it into start menu or on desktop. But it is more recommended to use a launcher, such as Launchy, Wox and Keypirinha, to quickly open and use at any time.

3. Sample scripts

Convert the backslashes in copied path list (js, php, python)

Adjust the text format copied from PDF document (php)

Generate array define code from hex string (php)

AStyle coding style beautifier (ini)

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Added filtering devices by name feature in the open source C# USB library Device.Net
The modified Device.Net library on Github:
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BeatShow @ Maker Faire Beijing 2018
October this year I took part in the Maker Faire Beijing 2018, as an individual, to exhibit the BeatShow automatic music light show system which is made in my spare time.

The event was hold at National Indoor Stadium East Plaza. And it was originally scheduled to be open during National Day holiday (10.1 - 10.7), but delayed to mid-October later, due to some irresistible reasons.

Below is what my exhibition stand looks like.

Before move-out in the last day, I shooted some videos. Afterwards, I shooted some more videos in dark indoor environment. Below is the final clip:

Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpXYpF6G3Z8
Watch on Youku: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzkyNTI4MjI0NA==.html
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BeatShow Development Stage Preview (3 - 5)
Preview (3) - Intro

Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cR6CQ3Y08vE
Watch on Youku: https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzU4ODU3MTc2OA==.html

Preview (4) - It's A Fine Day

Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9CAPZlS8K4
Watch on Youku: https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzU4ODY0NjUwOA==.html

Preview (5) - The Rain

Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5G7iJvaLPQ
Watch on Youku: https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzU4ODY3MDE5Mg==.html
Current language: English · 其他语言: 中文 (简体)
BeatShow Development Stage Preview (2)

Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAK_k-aDpX4

Watch on Youku: https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzAxNjgxMDU0NA==.html
Current language: English · 其他语言: 中文 (简体)
Unusual mouse wheel behavior in PowerDirector 15
Current language: English · 其他语言: 中文 (简体)
BeatShow development stage preview

Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bLKVEQo254

Watch on Youku: https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjY5ODA3MzYyNA==.html
Current language: English · 其他语言: 中文 (简体)
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